When going away to college, all students face similar worries before their first day. Will I enjoy being on my own? Will I make friends, like my classes, and get acquainted with the campus? All answers to those questions come with time and patience, and it’s no different for international students. But if you’re coming […]
Each year of college brings new difficulties and experiences than the last. At some point in your college career, you must start thinking about your out-of-college career and how you can help yourself get there. This is where the internships and career opportunities that UIUC provides can be beneficial. UIUC is proud of how they […]
Transitioning from high school to college can be a scary time in someone’s life – leaving home for the first time and being thrown into a new environment where you maybe don’t know anyone. It’s understandable why someone might be nervous – but we have your back! Adjusting to your new life can be hard; […]
One of the hottest topics of the last month has been how schools will adapt due to the Coronavirus pandemic. From elementary school to college, every grade of students will face a new type of learning. With the most popular adaption being e-learning, older students will be staying home more than ever. Here’s how U […]
What is the Referral Program? MHM Properties is pleased to announce our Resident Referral Program. Send us your friends (or coworkers, next door neighbors or even your chemistry lab partners) and earn $$$! Tenants of MHM Properties receive $50 for each friend who signs a lease with us. The referral program applies at all of […]
Over the past year, MHM Properties has been working closely with a student group called FACES Consulting. The students have been collaborating with our Marketing Manager Sam Lee and have been working closely to expand MHM’s company brand. We are providing insight to the student consultants about the real estate business as well as student […]
It’s that time of the year again for college students: HOMECOMING! Homecomings are a time when school faculty, students, and alumni get together to show their school pride. It is highly recommended for all students to attend this year’s University of Illinois Homecoming 2017 because it can be rewarding and memorable if you take advantage […]
4 bedroom/4 bathroom and 3 bedroom/3 bathroom units available for roommate matching. Secure your bedroom today! $785/person
Any covered/uncovered space available for $35/month. Underground garage spaces available for only $50/month. 8 month or 11 month leases available.
Call 217-337-8852 or Email contact@mhmproperties.com for availability.