Now that you’ve made it through the Fall semester, congratulations! You’re one step closer to your graduation and entering to your parent’s footsteps, however, we’re not quite there yet. Now that you’ve worked hard, you have to play hard during the breaks, to even the universe.
Winter break could make you lazy but try to go somewhere, do something, or make something that can share with your family, loved ones or even yourself. Perhaps a good old fashion road trip with friends, record music on your favorite instruments, or having a fantastic memorable date with your favorite person. Once the Spring semester begins you’re going to want to have memories of the last time you could sleep in, spend time with friends, eat great food, and not have to worry about your next due assignment or test. Let’s take a look what are the things you can do!

- Build the largest snowman possible with your family or friends – Wait for the heavy snowy day and start building your own snowman!
- Go on a spontaneous road trip – No need to spend hundreds of dollars to go a road trip but simply for yourself or with the loved ones because nothing makes for memories like spontaneity.

- Volunteer at non-profit organization – there is no greater feeling of accomplishment than helping out people. If you have the chance, spend a couple of hours a week at your local hospital, homeless shelter, soup kitchen, etc. And you won’t regret it!
- Travel abroad – If you have saved enough from your part-time job or those who are financially gifted students, traveling abroad is a wonderful experience. Recommend not to wait until graduation, do it now!

- Visit a theme park – Go visit a theme park nearby with your family or friends because it’s worth it! Who doesn’t like visiting a theme park?
- Exercise – Probably don’t want to hear about this but it’s somewhat worth it. Often it helps to relieve your stress and it can be a lot of fun.

- Create something – Go ahead and create music, film, art, anything that you enjoy, and passionate about. Show your passion and put that into action.
- Make sure to spend quality time with family – Often the case, this may not be on the top of your priorities, but once the new semester begins you won’t get the chance even if you want to. Make sure to take a little time to connect with the family.

- Read a book – Another lost hobby in the midst of all these TV shows and video games but go ahead and find a good book and curl up by a fire, and READ!
- Go visit zoo, museum, symphony orchestra, theatre, etc. – I mean, why not? Modern music can be more exciting but go ahead and try other things so that you can experience them.

- Camping trips – I know it’s cold but who doesn’t love the great outdoors. You don’t have to go too far but could be within an hour drive or less.
- Ice skate – Who doesn’t like going ice skating?

- Wake up early and make a great breakfast – Instead of skipping breakfast, perhaps try making waffles, pancakes, omelets, oatmeal, yogurt, bacon or sausage, and many available menus. Try to get up early and make yourself a breakfast.
- Get a new hobby – You can never have too many. You can find yourself a new hobby like weights, swimming, play video games, learn to play a new instrument, make websites, design graphics, cook, and many more! You can find something interesting and get a new hobby.
- Watch old movies with family and friends – How about the old Disney classics when you were 5 or 6-years old. Gather up some old classic movies and get back to the good old days.
- Handwrite Christmas letters to everyone you care about – Many people still like to receive handwritten letters. Often, it may be better than a gift. Email is another way of sending Christmas letters but a handwritten letter really shows how much you care.
Have a great Winter break and happy holidays!